The most successful bars and restaurants know their profit margins. What are yours?

We make calculating restaurant profitability easy.

Whether times are good or uncertain – understanding how to manage profitability is essential to keeping operations running and serving your guests. Profitability cost analysis is just the start, there are even more ways to grow your business by diving even deeper.

Craftable makes it easy to manage every aspect of your business by tracking all of your costs, sales, and profit from the minute you receive a delivery to the moment a happy guest takes their first bite. Complete the form on the right to receive a free restaurant profitability cost analysis.

“We love working with Craftable because they give us the tools to take control of our margins in real time, as opposed to waiting on the end of the month numbers to make important decisions.”

– Adam Stemmler, Owner at Farm League Management

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    Craftable helps you track every penny that comes in and out of the door.
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